Most sources do not recommend orthotics specifically for flat feet. Now, for people who have weak or fallen arches that haven’t fallen completely, they can be the perfect solution.

By providing the additional support your arch needs, it can help you be free from pain and possibly prevent your arch from falling further. You can buy custom orthotics through various online sources.

While some people are born with them, many others develop them over time. Years of standing or walking for hours in high heels, or wearing poorly designed shoes that offer little or no arch support, are usually contributing factors.

Age can contribute to falling arches, especially among overweight people. But, it’s not an unavoidable condition and if that happens, it doesn’t have to be painful.

Insoles that provide arch support and stabilize the heel must be used at all times. There are many types available in various materials, thicknesses, and colors. So you can have a pair for each shoe you have.

In addition to ordering special orthotics for the prevention of flat feet, you may want to consider arching, which provides extra support and reduces pain. If you must wear high heels regularly, you should consider soles that shift the weight of the foot from the ball to the back of the heel.