Low-level laser therapy is also known as cold laser therapy. It uses low-intensity phonic energies to promote tissue and cell healing. This non-surgical method of liposuction can be used to remove the fat, scar, and heal pimples, relieve back and neck pain, promote bone healing, and as a form of liposuction. 

The FDA-approved laser light therapy is now more popular in medical aspects. Cold laser therapy uses the healing properties of light to stimulate the body's natural healing process.

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How it works

Some wavelengths of light have a specific effect on tissue regeneration, pain, and inflammation. The light is not used to disrupt tissue. It is more photochemical than thermal. The laser is applied to the area. The laser light is used to melt fat tissue. The light also increases the body's natural healing capabilities to promote bone and tissue growth. The light penetrates the skin's surface and the underlying tissues to increase the body's healing abilities.

The body's cells become more sensitive to photon energy when the cold laser is applied to them. This in turn stimulates the body's natural metabolism. This stimulates tissue repair and helps develop bone and muscle tissue.

Cold Laser Acupuncture

The use of cold lasers has been made possible by acupuncture that does not require the use of needles. The light stimulates the body's acupoints, increasing blood flow painlessly.

It is very painless and requires no recovery time

The laser's application causes only a slight tingling sensation in most people. It can feel a bit ticklish. It may cause mild irritation but not severe pain.

You can do it yourself

After being shown how to do the treatment, you can either have a friend or family member perform it yourself. Simply run the laser across the desired area and it will work. Lasers can be bought for home use. You don't have to go to a hospital or visit a doctor. The treatments can be applied at home.