When an accident occurs on the road it is often because a driver or pedestrian has not been following road safety actions and as a result, they have put themselves or others in danger.

Statistics show that the majority of accidents in Australia occurred on rural roads, and as such, new government initiatives have been established to reduce the number of fatalities on rural roads.

Road traffic accident specialists have praised the plan as a way to reduce the amount of court time that should be spent dealing with car accident claims. The study also showed that men were more likely to die from accidents than rural women. If you want to know more about specialists in road traffic, then you can also visit https://www.trafficengineeringcentre.com/traffic-engineering.html.

The Government will use a dramatic four ads to highlight the importance of road safety in rural areas and they will be shown in cinemas, on TV, on the radio, and over the internet. Three of the four ads will end with death, but each will occur in different situations.

There is hope that the shock will encourage drivers to be more careful when driving along a country road. Drivers who go along the same road several times a week may be more familiar with their surroundings and thus they take a greater risk that they will not take the Foreign Service.

This risk may be driving faster, talking on the phone or eating, all of which can cause road accidents.