So you are shopping for bath salts? We will help you with our reviews.

It is really surprising how often we use and re-use the same salt shaker in our bathtub. They seem to come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, colors and finishes.

Some salt crystal shakers come pre-packaged in a box with a container and other accessories. They are very easy to assemble and they have many extra benefits, like letting you change the color or size of the crystals as you please. Some of them even allow you to add your own crystals.

Another type of bath salt comes in a stainless steel container, with the crystals on one side and the container lid on the other. It allows you to place the salt in the container while it sets. Just be sure that you can see the crystals through the open lid before you put them in. If you have any doubts about their appearance, ask the sales clerk at the store if the crystals look clear to you.

When you are buying bath salt online, do your homework first. That way you will find an excellent product that you will love.

Do some comparison shopping for specific benefits, price and shipping time. If you go to, you can purchase your salts there for less than $10.00 a pound. These prices are some of the lowest available anywhere. They have everything you need for making wonderful, luxurious salt crystals that will give you lasting health benefits.

Now that you know what makes bath salt different, lets discuss how to store it and when to use it. Here is a general guideline. The better, more durable your salts are, the larger the container you use. It is a good idea to keep your crystals in glass or crystal molds but not for very long.

Do not store your bath salt for more than four to six weeks in a pantry-style glass jar. You want to keep them in your bathtub, but to avoid over-dehydrating them, it is best to keep them in a sealed glass jar. A great idea for storage would be a small refrigerator-style container. These containers fit perfectly in the tub, but make it easy to pull out and use in the shower.

It is OK to use bath salt in the shower, especially when you are using warm or hot water. Once the crystals have been in the bath for about fifteen minutes, you should wait another ten minutes before you apply any moisturizer or other type of shower gel.

If you store your bath salt in a glass jar, a good idea would be to fill it with non-chlorinated tap water to simulate a bath. After a few days, you should drain the water from the jar, put the jar in the freezer for a few minutes, and then pour the water out. When you try out a new salt scent, you may notice a difference because you wont have to add the water to the jar.

If you want to experiment with different scents when you buy Dead Sea salt, you may want to put a small amount of the salt into a large glass bowl. Put the bowl in a microwave oven and cook it on high power for about five minutes. Turn off the heat and stir in the salt mixture. Let it cool for a couple of minutes before you add it to your bath water.

Using your bath salt from Amazon and choosing your ingredients wisely, you will end up with a fantastic product that you will love to use in your bath every day. There are many stores and online retailers offering great quality salts for a low price. Why settle for just any old bath salt when you can get a good one for a great price.