Hygienic pads and linings that have a plant-organic coating with corn, bamboo, wood, banana, hemp, or absorbent cellulose cores and therefore do not contain biodegradable pads made of plastics, silk, chemical additives, chlorine, latex, or dye. This makes them fully compostable and reduces the build-up of plastic waste.

Advantages of biodegradable hygiene pads:

Natural sanitary pads can benefit you in several ways by contributing directly to the management of menstrual hygiene and indirectly affecting society as a whole. 


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1. Basic Cleanliness: The biodegr

adable organic pad has an efficient absorbent cellulose core which is better at preventing dryness. The sensitive skin around the genitals does not react so it is free from rashes because the ingredients do not contain harmful chemicals.

2. Sterile: Organic substrates are sterile. Frequent changes are an important part of menstrual hygiene. Otherwise, women who are menstruating are at risk for serious bacterial and fungal infections.

3. Hygiene: Organic substrate consists of substances that do not contain impurities and do not damage the reproductive parts.

4. No plastics: When you are choosing organic, biodegradable sanitary pads, you are choosing products that do not contain plastic. It is gentle on the skin and avoids the health risks posed by the wide use of these ingredients.