This article is designed for people who are running business coaching firms. Here's how you can set your services apart from the rest:

1. Give your coaches the training and seminars they need. Empower your coaches to do their jobs to the best of their abilities by providing them with seminars and training programs that will enhance their skills and can increase their knowledge in the field of business. Don't worry as this will not disrupt their day-to-day activities as most training is conducted online.

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2. Solicit feedback. Give your firm's clients your personal email address where they can send their feedback, suggestions, comments, and even complaints. This is the easiest way to determine if your coaches and your programs need some improvements. Take each feedback seriously so you can better serve your future clients.

3. Take good care of your coaches. As they say, happy employees produce great results. So, make sure that your coaches are extremely satisfied in working for you. Give them room for growth and give them equal chances to be promoted. Of course, you will need to offer them just compensations and benefits. It would also help if you can recognize their contributions to the success of your company every now and then.

4. It's all about your clients. Make "impress your clients" your company's number one goal. You need to be strict in implementing certain rules that will guarantee your customers' satisfaction. By doing this, you can make sure that you'll promote customer trust and loyalty which are essentially the secrets for you to succeed in this field.