Management wants a mixture of direction and emotional intelligence abilities.  Making the change from a proficient professional such as an engineer, or salesperson to management often occurs without addressing this point. 

Instead of focusing on themselves the supervisor must take into account how others think and feel.  Without instruction and mentoring in this area, new supervisors are left without the requisite emotional intelligence abilities. Here is the reference for you if you wish to Improving Business Performance With a Professional Coach.

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The issue is the same in each field, technology, construction and scientific labs.  An athlete who had been an all-star player isn't necessarily qualified to become great in sports training. 

Some people stumble transitioning into management positions while some are natural leaders and adapt well to the new role. Others take time and price their organization far more in their mistakes than the cost of coaching them in direction, social intellect and emotional awareness.  

High staff turnover and poor manufacturing are red flags indicating a manager hasn't made the transition. Managers and leaders in such places are generally struggling personally.  They believe in the pressure and may become overwhelmed by it.  

Once people in a position of authority to the manager or leader, find out about the issue, it has, in most cases, already done significant damage to the business. Good management leader first finds out the problem and then find a solution that arises in the business.