Hysteria term is often used casually and many times it is exaggerated. Most people consider that this mental disorder is an emotional and irrational behavior.

There is individual hysteria and mass hysteria according to the scientists’ opinion. This disorder is mainly the result of an unconscious emotional conflict. Whenever needed you can purchase the products of the best natural remedies in Indiana from https://www.blueriverpharmacy.com/medication/standardized-supplementation.

The main factors that can lead to hysteria are stress, heredity factors, gender repression, faulty emotional traits, excessive idleness, traumatism, brain tumor, dementia, depression, masturbation, mental strain, worry, and fear.

Persons that suffer from hysteria can have problems with their digestive system and they can have a fever and feel pain. A deep hysteria can lead even to paralysis, blindness, and deafness.

The main symptoms of this mental disorder are palpitations, swelling neck, headache, continual sighing, heaviness of limbs, breathing difficulties, suffocation, emotional instability, loss of consciousness, and clenched teeth.

An efficient natural treatment for hysteria consists of the consumption of oranges, apples, grapes, grapefruits, papaya, etc for all the meals of the day. Then the patient must follow an all-milk diet for 30 days.

Another remedy consists of lettuce juice and amla juice (Indian gooseberry). For this treatment, you need a cup of fresh lettuce juice and a tsp of amla juice. The two juices are mixed and drunk daily. The treatment should be taken for a month.

Tea, tobacco, coffee, alcohol, refined sugar, and flour must be avoided. If hysteria is caused by stress, the stressed situations should be avoided as much as possible.

And because in this case, the natural treatment might not be enough, the patient should mix them with the medicines prescribed by his doctor.