Anxiety is normal for everyone; we all experience anxiety throughout a normal day. However, too much anxiety can cause us problems.

What kind of problems?


If anxiety causes us to refrain from something we logically wanted to do, then it's too much anxiety. For example, if we avoid getting up and speaking in front of an audience, large or small, it's too much anxiety. Some even will avoid a meeting where they may ask questions or put in place. They have a label for it; it is called, "Social Anxiety", or, "Social Disorder". If you are looking for Silicon Valley therapy for anxiety then check Neshima Healing

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Now that you know when the label is inserted into a powerful emotion that causes us trouble you have too much anxiety. Although you may reject the label, anxiety therapy might still worth seeing.

Social life

Talking about the interference of "social", if we find ourselves blushing a lot or nervous even around people who we might consider close friends or colleagues, once again, it was too much anxiety.

If we avoid hosting or decline the invitation to socialize because we anticipate that we will feel too uncomfortable; too much anxiety.

Holding back when we wanted to talk.

Being too self-conscious or embarrassed when we would prefer to assert ourselves too much anxiety. Anxiety therapy might be the answer.

Anxiety disorders

It's easy to pretend that the anxiety we feel is not too serious. Perhaps we have learned coping strategies, usually a form of avoidance, to help us to feel like we could survive. But, is the quality of life where we really want it?

Maybe we do not suffer from panic attacks or phobias per se, but if anxiety weaken in any way, it's too much anxiety. You can do something about it. Call it anxiety therapy, the treatment of anxiety, or anxiety medications. There are professionals and other related people who provide systems and programs that are effective in removing the problem of too much anxiety.