On TV, ghost tales are extremely popular and come in several types from the entertaining to the grisly. But most people in Thai accept many claims of believing in ghosts and seeing them.

This phenomenon is not limited to the older in rural villages but is taken seriously by college students and individuals from all walks of life and is very strong in Northern Thailand. You can find the true horror ghost stories via the web.

true ghost stories

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There are several distinct types of spirit in Thailand all of them to be feared and each creates a different threat. To oppose this conception of evil ghosts Thailand has its special type of Ghost Buster, the Mh  Phi or ghost physician.

Phi Graseu

Phi Graseu is always illustrating as a female with a head only and guts hanging out. That is perhaps the most scared ghost and she's constantly on the hunt for dead bodies or human excrement but will happily consume live bodies.

Phi Tai Hong

The Phi Tai Hong is a ghost with a grudge. These are the souls of those who have perished in especially bad circumstances eg. Murder or traffic injuries or possibly a baby who has died shortly after birth. Their untimely deaths cause them to need to carry it out to the dwelling.

Phi Tai Tong Glom

This is a seriously bad ghost. The Phi Tai pong is a woman and she died while delivery and her infant died too. This increases the evil power of the soul.