Damage to the optic nerve in the eye is known as "Glaucoma" and this eye disease is the leading cause of blindness in the United States today. What Causes This Condition? Usually, the pressure in the eye increases, known as intraocular pressure (IOP).

Okay, let's take a step back and fully explain this life-changing disease.

Our eyes contain a certain amount of fluid. When the pressure of this fluid increases, it causes pressure on the optic nerve of the eye, damaging it, which is responsible for sending visual messages from the eyes to the brain. The pressure is known as intraocular pressure (IOP). If you are also affected by the use of Elmiron and you want Austin Elmiron eye lawsuit, you can search for it online.

The scariest part of the disease is that symptoms rarely appear at first and will only be discovered by a comprehensive eye exam. Therefore, today, experts recommend that certain risk groups should undergo a comprehensive eye examination every two years, to detect this disease early and prevent vision loss. Those groups include African Americans over 40; people over 60, especially Mexican Americans; and people with a family history of glaucoma.

If caught early, glaucoma treatment can be very effective; the main goal, however, is to reduce eye pressure. The type of glaucoma you have will invariably decide whether it will be treated with medicine or surgery. In total, there are four main types, namely: angle-closure (acute) glaucoma; Congenital glaucoma; secondary glaucoma; and open-angle (chronic) glaucoma.