The Zipwake trim system is a fully automatic trim system. Boating is a positive experience for everyone, it should be fun and comfortable. This applies to motorboats during the course. 

With trim planes that control the running position automatically and the other way, the journey becomes more comfortable and safer for everyone on board. The Zipwake trim system was a positive experience during test driving. You can find the best zipwake trim planes via the web.

Zipwake Trim Planes

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Zipwake interceptors (trim planes) cut directly into the water behind the transom. The wet surface is minimal. The effect is that the stern is lifted and the bow is pressed. Also, lateral adjustments are made to another location if the boat is sailing. 

Thus, the crew can move freely without changing its course on the boat. Traditional trim planes also lift the stern with the help of plates, but all adjustments are made manually. Also, traditional trim planes are much slower in their movements than compared to Zipwake. 

The interceptor does not require as much power to move up and down as conventional trim planes. Therefore, it moves rapidly. It is difficult to see any benefit with conventional trim planes compared to interceptors.  

Zipwake is said to be capable of saving up to 20% fuel. However, we did not get an opportunity to check during the test run. With the interceptor, the gears move very fast. The running position is stable and the boat arrives fast on the aircraft.