Acid reflux occurs when the acid and undigested food in your stomach flow back upward — or reflux — into your esophagus. The esophagus is the muscular tube that is designed to carry food from your throat down to your stomach.

Reflux are just one of the few unpleasant acid reflux symptoms. You may not experience these acid reflux symptoms with every meal or you experience it every day. You might even have no acid reflux symptoms for several weeks before it turns on again. Reflux acid is a lifetime condition that you need to treat throughout your life. If you want to get more information regarding Zantac lawsuit then you can search various online sources.

Symptoms of general acid reflux

Heartburn is a symptom of acid reflux recognized by most people. This painful combustion sensation occurs in your chest after a big meal or if you lie down afterwards. Heartburn is the result of stomach acid literally burning your esophagus.

Reflux and regurgitation

Regurgitation occurs when stomach acid retreats from your stomach to your throat and into your mouth. Your throat will burn painfully and you will feel a bitter taste in your mouth. You might even find small food particles that return to your mouth. This is a characteristic of the symptoms of acid reflux, regurgitation.