A strong password is very important when securing electronic accounts. Typically, the password is the first line of Défense in the protection against unauthorized access to your account.

First, the number of characters you use when creating a password is very important. In the past, it has been recommended to include at least eight characters of your password. However, you can do better than that. You can use a strong password generator through https://www.logmeonce.com/online-password-generator-and-calculator/.

The more characters you use, the better it is. In fact, good, long passwords can take years and even decades to crack by programs instead of days or even hours. So, when creating a password, try to make people as long as possible.


Well, what kind of character should be included to strengthen your long password? In short, a variety shall be used. If you are using only the letters of the alphabet, you have 26 choices for each character in the password.

It is common for many users to enter full words in passwords. This is not a safe practice and should be avoided. Every word in the dictionary can be dangerous to use. Instead, the password can be formed from the phrase. It is more secure because they are much more random and difficult to predict.

There would be people who try to guess the password, even if they know personal details about you that may be associated with your password. You can use a number that has significance for you as this will allow you to more easily remember your password.

Finally, a good tip is to not use a user name that you created for the account as part of your password Sometimes, usernames easy to find. Therefore, never include it as part of your password, because a hacker will almost certainly be using that in an attempt to crack your password.