As Emperor Shenyong suggested nearly 5,000 years ago, tea is a healthy tonic. Camellia plants are rich in polyphenols and flavonoid antioxidants. It is a natural substance that prevents and reverses damage to DNA and cell membranes from free radicals. These molecules are linked to a wide variety of diseases including cancer, heart disease, stroke, Alzheimer's and premature aging. Tea contains 800 to 1000% more polyphenols than vegetables and fruits.

One cup of white tea contains the number of antioxidants equivalent to 80 ounces of apple juice. The longer fermentation time for black tea will reduce its antioxidant content. Green tea contains more antioxidants than black tea. Studies show that making tea in 1 to 5 minutes is the best way to see its health benefits. You can find the best tea restaurant at

Heart disease

The antioxidants in tea are believed to reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke by reducing cholesterol levels, oxidative stress, and dilating blood vessels. Tea also significantly reduces atherosclerosis and triglycerides.

People who drank three to four cups of black tea regularly had lower rates of stroke and heart disease. Statistical analysis of various studies shows that drinking three cups of tea a day lowers the risk of heart attack by 11%.


Tea reduces the incidence of cancer by fighting free radical damage, reducing abnormal cell growth, and aiding normal cell death. Regular tea consumption has been linked to a reduced risk of lung, ovarian, oral, skin and digestive cancers.

A study of smokers who consumed 4 cups of decaffeinated green tea per day found a 31% reduction in oxidative DNA damage compared to a control group who drank 4 cups of water.