Baby powder is manufactured by many reputable businesses since ages and even today it is commonly used in various countries around the world. However, most baby powders containing talc may end up being detrimental to health in many ways.

Talc is widely used as it can help to avoid perspiration and body odour. Most of us use it on babies to prevent rashes and irritation caused by the use of diapers.

But did you know that talcum powder can cause ovarian cancer! Yes, in recent years there are many cases of ovarian cancer powder comes into consideration which proves that talcum powder can lead to health hazards. 

If you or someone you love has suffered from ovarian cancer due to the use of powder may file a lawsuit for medical compensation. However, not everyone is not eligible to file a talcum powder lawsuit. If you want to know the criteria to be eligible for the compensation, you can visit

talcum powder lawsuit

Reasons To Not Use Talcum Powder:

Based on a recent study, baby powder is proved to be destructive to women. Therefore it is good to use an alternative of talcum powder. 

A few of the typical indicators of talc poisoning include breathing problems like coughing, chest discomfort, lung collapse, shallow breathing, and difficulty in breathing and ovarian cancer etc. Throat irritation, jaundice, vomiting, diarrhoea, eye irritation etc are a few of the other added symptoms caused by the inhalation or ingestion of the powder. 

Although baby powder can be used to prevent itching and eczema, its use is relatively lower in this scenario because of health problems that occur in infants and adults. Most studies have shown the harmful effects of talc