Effective online business intelligence software can give companies a deep understanding of the problems that affect them, such as Manufacturing, sales, and internal operations.

With this software solution, company management can then take the right steps. It is important for each administrative application to be able to extract and present data in a meaningful way.

In short, business intelligence enables companies to make decisions faster and better by providing the right people with the right information at the right time. You can also get more information about business intelligence reporting at http://vizbp.com.

Usually, many employees find that they are overwhelmed with information and need solutions that provide analysis to make effective decisions.

Reporting solutions and templates provide tools that employees can use to make informed decisions to be part of their daily work experience, at the strategic, operational or tactical level.

Multi-dimensional data warehouse

The core of every business intelligence solution is a multi-dimensional data warehouse. Simply put, this large database contains all the data that companies need to manage efficiency.

The modeling techniques used by experts to create this database are very important for the operation of business intelligence solutions. Typically, this data warehouse has invariant data, integrated data, and atomic data.

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Time variant data means that companies track and record changes to the data to produce overtime reports that detail the changes. Integrated data means that the database contains data from all or most of the company's operating applications and the data are consistent.

Non-volatile data means that the company will never overwrite or delete data in the database after the data is activated, read-only, and static and stored for future reference.


The output system is not part of the business intelligence solution, but they support it. Therefore, they must be at the heart of the architecture of business intelligence solutions.

When preparing a BI solution, it is important to take into account all the types of data you need for your analysis. You should consider the information contained in the database as well as those in external feeds.