If you have a building that you have to place the roof hatch above for any reason, you need to make sure that you have properly ventilated them. A roof hatch will need to be placed in a building that holds a lot of people. This is one way a person can escape in an emergency.

In addition, the roof hatch will be a way to access the roof to fix a leak coming from the roof.  Even the mechanical problem may lie there. Roof opening frames are also a great alternative for roof hatches. If you haven't placed a roof hatch, you can also buy roof opening frame from https://quickframes.com/roof-hatch-support-frames-2/ for getting the same purpose. It is an easy access point, but one that can be very difficult to vent the right way. 

If you don't have it vented properly there will be problems that will come up. Some of those could be a build-up of moisture that is going to start in those roof hatches. That can lead to mold increasing and building up. Mould obviously is a dangerous thing to have located in any building. You will need to set up venting to fix this problem.

Not much preparation or tools will be needed to complete this project. If you are quite skilled in construction, it should be something you can easily achieve. Get some tubing for that vent, a drill, hand tools, and either have your existing roof hatch or a new one.