The Chiropractor In Fairfield focuses on your neck and back pain in a natural and holistic manner. Instead of drugs that just treat the symptoms but don't resolve the causes, they empower you to deal with your symptoms naturally while we take care of the basic causes of your pain.

Instead of giving you pain killers that have the potential to cause damage to your kidneys and your liver and affect your ability to deal with day-to-day challenges, the professionals in Bonnyrigg Chiropractic & Sports Injury Clinic helps you understand the best and most effective way to employ hot and cold therapy in the form of ice packs and hot water bags around areas of inflammation and pain.

Fairfield Chiropractor

At the same time, the Chiropractor In Fairfield helps you understand how to take control of your pain by improving your posture. Many people these days have a sedentary lifestyle. They are prone to repetitive use injury because they sit incorrectly for hours on end. The Chiropractor In Fairfield will help you learn to sit and stand correctly to help alleviate your pain and address the basic causes of it

In addition to teaching you how to address your pain symptoms and begin your recovery with heat and cold therapy and proper posture, the Chiropractor In Fairfield will provide you with physiotherapy. 

They will design and supervise you in a series of exercises specifically pinpointing your pain. Even very intense back pain, such as sciatic pain, can be naturally managed with the combination of heat and cold therapy, a change in sedentary habits, and good physiotherapy.

By applying hot and cold therapy right away, resting with knees elevated, using good back support while seated, and practising good posture, a lot of the pain of sciatica can be eliminated. 

Instead of giving up your independence and submitting to painkillers, turn to the Chiropractor In Fairfield. They will work with you holistically to help you become empowered to manage your own pain and improve your health and your life!