When buying a life insurance policy, the insurer will require an accurate assessment of your activities and health habits which could in the long term affect your state of health and life expectancy. 

All life insurers require disclosure with regards to alcohol and nicotine intake as well as any other medications or drugs that may have a detrimental effect on your health status. 

Being a smoker or drinker will impose an impact on the cost and type of life insurance the insurers would provide you with.If you want to explore regarding the whole life insurance for smokers, then search the browser.

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The impact and side effects of smoking can cause premature and painful death as well as lead to years of chronic illnesses. A nonsmoker had a far better chance of living a longer, healthier, and happier life. 

If you are a smoker it is never too late to quit, as this would benefit your health. However, to state that you no longer smoke when taking out life insurance, you will have needed to stop smoking for at least twelve months for your premiums to be lower.

Depending on how heavy a smoker you are, there are instances where some smokers lose their limbs, especially if they are diabetic due to the chemicals and tar of cigarettes ingested into the body and bloodstream. 

Your heart beats up to ten times faster every time you inhale cigarette smoke. In turn, the body becomes stressed and your blood pressure rises which is known as hypertension which is a silent killer.