Removal of furniture will handle moving your equipment and other items to your new office. But what should you do before the movers come in to pick up your things? Here are some tips on how to prepare to move offices.

You have to make yourself familiar with at least the size and location of your new office space. This will help you decide if plants, wall decors and other accessories should be sent to the new office or not. If you are looking for the best removalists in Sydney then you can search various online sources.

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Make sure you empty all shelves, tables, bookshelves, and similar storage furniture, except file cabinets, which only need to be locked before moving. All content from your desk and shelf must be packed neatly in the box.

Label your box with your name, content box details, numbers (to find out which ones to open first when dismantling), new locations, and other special instructions. If there are items that you need to leave in your old office or to remove, tag or label them too. It's also the time to sort out your mess – recycling what can be recycled and damaged what needs to be grated.