The evolution of modern business is reflected in the growing digital agency. The concept of digital agency, which is relatively young, cloudy, vague and varied.

The term is generally used to describe an institution that business (client) outsources the work to design, develop, maintain and promote the site. Of course, you can find a digital agency like Direct Clicks that define themselves as 'digital full-service agency,' which means they give the whole combination.

Where digital agents used to promote and manage online brand strategy, as in most cases, are often compared (favorable or otherwise) for traditional institutions. Board means the term traditional channels and advertising companies using more traditional media, such as television and print, on the internet.

It is sometimes thought that digital companies, which by the very young and constantly evolving nature, do not have the knowledge and experience of the traditional institutions. 

Furthermore, although it is a mistake to believe that all the principles of traditional marketing and advertising can only be applied to digital marketing, it should be remembered that many of the most successful digital marketers and sponsors come from traditional institutions to bring a lot of experience. 

While people understand traditional advertising and marketing methods, they do not seek to establish the Internet to customize this approach, they seek to shape their approach to fit with the Internet and the consumer.